
There is a word for the fear of being seen as you are and the incessant thinking that you can’t be loved being yourself. They call it wronophobia. I don’t think they should have a word for that because it’s just a fancy way of creating yet other differences, making people more conscious of it.... Continue Reading →

Not Depressed.

I read somewhere recently, “Happiness is an inside job” – It’s true on the most part. Many people simply let happiness flow freely from their minds and envelope them like a warm blanket. I have to believe I have the power to not let sadness predominate my perceptions of the things around me. I have... Continue Reading →

.Bundle of Contradictions.

It's like I am giving pieces of myself away to them for safekeeping, a way to keep you sort of thriving. They probably have no idea that without you I am the kind of deficient no medication can fix. I miss myself but finding that girl is like getting sleep to come to you when... Continue Reading →

Scattered thoughts. Incomplete sentences.

Not bodies. Not people. A bundle of feelings. Memories and Moments. Each light that's snuffed out leaves a permanent shadow in someone else's life. Numerous dreams lurking in the dark. Wishes suspended in the sky. Leaving the world darker. Changing things in a way that's never the same again. A song at an end. The... Continue Reading →

No Going Back.

Loss changes you. It might not be a change as visible as a splash of colour on a black and white painting but its definitely as if there is a slight shift in everything around us. As if the molecules disassemble and rearrange themselves, changing everything even as life moves on the same way like... Continue Reading →

“There’s no love like the first.”

Rosemary Rogers said, First romance, first love, is something so special to all of us, both emotionally and physically, that it touches our lives and enriches them forever. First loves are as sweet as they are unexpected. They make us vulnerable even while they make us feel as if we are invincible giving us a... Continue Reading →


Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or look for people to blame. We take it as human behavior, natural instinct to vent it out at someone when we are disturbed or ruffled. Whether in a relation or getting something done. Either it's he did this, she should understand, they should think my way... Continue Reading →


They say that battles make people stronger; whether they are physical or spiritual. Who defines strength? Who is there to decide whether someone emerges out stronger than before and does that mean they weren’t strong before or is it so that they are just accustomed to it by then and have experienced it before such... Continue Reading →


Why do people avoid talking about death? I mean, its the most inevitable thing in life. Our journey towards death starts from the time we are conceived. Some of us live long enough to wait for its inevitability while most of the others are stunned by its appearance when it comes. Its a curious thing,... Continue Reading →


The clock has been too soon to strike witching hour, it’s that time of the night where we wish to exposure and bare our souls to whoever is available to listen, yet I curl, into the most protective position I can find, My soul needs protection, I need protection, and from that sorrow salt is... Continue Reading →

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Official Blog of Author Kellie Elmore


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